About Us

A new way to see The Cooper Union.

Driven by the goal of working with our building occupants to improve energy use, @41CooperSquare aims to share our building's energy performance with building occupants and visitors alike. By making this information accessible to the public, we hope to encourage green behaviors, inspire support for energy efficiency, and showcase some of the unique features of The Cooper Union.

Meet the creators.

We are Janet Butler and Polina Smirnova, two Mechanical Engineering students from the class of 2014 at The Cooper Union. Under the advisement of Professor Melody Baglione, @41CooperSquare was our senior design project.

The Real Time Dashboard was created by Eric Leong, a Mechanical Engineering student from the class of 2014, under the advisement of Professor Baglione. This project was partially supported by the National Science Foundation under grant no. DUE 1044830 entitled Building Sustainability into Control Systems.

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